Oct 27, 2023
A Lincoln Corsair parked outside

Hey, Lincoln drivers! Today we’re shining a light on a crucial but often underappreciated part of our vehicle: the headlights. These trusty beams guide us through dark nights and gloomy weather, ensuring we reach our destinations safely. However, they can’t last forever. So how can you tell that it’s time to head to the Lincoln dealer for new headlights? Fortunately, there are a few signs to watch for.

Dimming Lights

As our headlights start to dim, it can creep up on us. Over time, headlights can lose their intensity, compromising visibility during night drives or in foggy conditions. If your headlights have become dim enough for you to notice they aren’t as bright as they once were, they might be reaching the end of their road.

One Headlight Has Burned Out

Driving with one headlight out is possible, but not ideal. Not only does it reduce how well you can see the road ahead of you, it also makes it harder for other drivers to see your vehicle. If one of your headlights has gone dark, it’s time for a replacement.

Flickering or Inconsistent Light

If your headlights are flickering or not maintaining a consistent brightness, you might have dying bulbs, faulty wiring, or even an electrical issue. Regardless of what’s causing it, inconsistent lighting can be a safety hazard and warrants a trip to the dealership.

Cloudy or Discolored Headlight Covers

The plastic covers over your headlights can become cloudy, yellowed, or discolored over time. This is due to exposure to sunlight and the elements. Damaged, discolored covers can significantly reduce the effectiveness of your headlights. If your headlights look like they’ve seen better days, a replacement might be in order.

Headlight Warning Light Is On

Modern Lincolns are equipped with a variety of warning lights to alert you when something needs attention, even your headlights. If the headlight warning light comes on, it means there is an issue with your lighting system that you should not ignore.

Frequent Bulb Replacements

If your headlights stop working only a little while after you had them replaced, there’s probably something larger at play. It’s possible that there is a problem with your car’s electrical system that might be causing the bulbs to fail prematurely. A professional assessment can help you figure out what’s going on and how to stop it from happening again.

Ask Your Lincoln Dealer About New Headlights

Headlights are a key safety feature for your vehicle, and you shouldn’t wait until they’re completely burned out to replace them. A quick trip to the dealership can allow the professionals to take a look at your headlights and help diagnose what’s going on, so you always have a clear view of the road ahead.

No matter what the cause, if you just can’t see the road in the dark or poor weather, it’s an issue that needs to be taken care of. If you’re squinting more than usual during your nighttime drives, it might be time for a fresh set of headlights. Swing by Asheville Lincoln today and let the professionals light the way to brighter journeys ahead.

Image via Lincoln