A dashboard of a Lincoln vehicle

OEM parts are made by the car’s manufacturer, and they’re of the highest quality and undergo a lot of quality testing to make sure they’re safe and fully functional. You should always replace these parts with other original equipment manufacturer parts when you’re getting a Lincoln repair. You’ll find OEM replacement parts at the Lincoln dealer.

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The interior parts of a car

Oil changes are a critical part of maintaining any vehicle, including your Lincoln, to allow it to run smoothly and efficiently. Knowing when to head to the Lincoln dealership to change the oil in your car can sometimes feel like a mystery, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some guidelines to follow for keeping your car’s oil fresh.

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A Lincoln Corsair parked outside

Hey, Lincoln drivers! Today we’re shining a light on a crucial but often underappreciated part of our vehicle: the headlights. These trusty beams guide us through dark nights and gloomy weather, ensuring we reach our destinations safely. However, they can’t last forever. So how can you tell that it’s time to head to the Lincoln dealer for new headlights? Fortunately, there are a few signs to watch for.

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A car battery being repaired

There’s nothing more frustrating than finding that your vehicle won’t start because of a dead battery. But battery maintenance doesn’t have to be an emergency that strands you. If you pay close attention, you’ll notice signs that it might be time to take your vehicle to the Lincoln dealership for a new car battery.

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A car's wheel parked on a pavement

The primary reason for replacing a car’s tires is when the treads become too shallow. However, sometimes tires can also become weakened by dry rot or damaged by objects on the road. Let’s take a closer look at when you should consider visiting your local Lincoln dealer for a set of new tires

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The dashboard of a Lincoln vehicle

A catalytic converter is part of your Lincoln’s exhaust system and is crucial in converting harmful emissions into cleaner and safer exhaust gases. When it fails or breaks, it affects your vehicle’s performance and results in poor gas mileage. If you own a Corsair, Aviator, or Nautilus, below are signs that indicate when you need a new converter from your Lincoln dealer.

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A car being repaired by a mechanic

Engine problems can, unfortunately, even happen to a Lincoln. The most common cause of these problems is a lack of regular servicing. Parts will wear out over time, and components will need to be checked and replaced regularly to keep your engine working perfectly. As your Lincoln dealer, we can fix any potential problem for you. These are a few of the issues we can repair.

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A car's AC unit in the front

Without proper cooling, driving can be a hot and bothersome affair. While the coolant keeps your engine temperatures low, the air-con keeps you and your passengers from overheating too. If you find your car AC not working one sweltering summer’s day, your AC may be experiencing one of the following problems. You can have it promptly repaired at your nearest Lincoln dealership. 

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The inisde of a car

Your Lincoln engine generates a lot of heat while running. The radiator’s job is to keep the engine cool and prevent overheating. When the radiator is not functioning properly, it could lead to extensive engine damage. To avoid expensive repairs, watch out for the following signs from your Lincoln dealer that indicate your Navigator, Aviator, or Nautilus needs a radiator repair.

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A pizza being served on a tray

When you’re hungry and don’t feel like cooking at home, treat yourself to dinner on the town. Asheville, NC has some of the best pizza around, so when the mood hits you, look no further than the following places.

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