Nov 3, 2023
The interior parts of a car

Oil changes are a critical part of maintaining any vehicle, including your Lincoln, to allow it to run smoothly and efficiently. Knowing when to head to the Lincoln dealership to change the oil in your car can sometimes feel like a mystery, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some guidelines to follow for keeping your car’s oil fresh.

Regular Oil Change Intervals

For modern Lincoln vehicles, the recommended interval for changing the oil typically ranges from 5,000 to 7,500 miles. However, this is going to vary depending on your specific model, driving habits, and the type of oil you use. It’s always best to consult your Lincoln’s owner’s manual for the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Signs You Need to Change the Oil

Oil or Check Engine Light

The most obvious sign is when your dashboard’s oil light or check engine light comes on. Your vehicle’s system is trying to let you know there’s a problem and a check-up is in order.

Dark and Dirty Oil

Clean oil is an amber color and slightly translucent. As it gets used, it becomes darker due to the accumulation of particles from the engine. Checking your oil level using the dipstick will give you an idea of your oil’s condition. If it’s dark and gritty, it’s time for a change.

Engine Noise and Knocking

Good engine oil provides a protective layer between engine parts. It prevents metal-to-metal contact and keeps the engine quiet. If your oil has broken down, your engine may start to make more noise and even become damaged.

Oil Smell Inside the Car

If you start to smell oil inside the cabin, it could indicate a leak, but it could also signal that your engine is overheating, burning off oil. Both scenarios warrant immediate attention.

Exhaust Smoke

Translucent vapor from the exhaust is normal, especially when it’s cold. However, if the exhaust turns to smoke, it’s another sign that oil might be leaking into the engine and burning.

Trust Your Lincoln Dealership to Change Your Oil

Not changing the oil in your car can lead to a whole host of problems, including engine damage, poor performance, decreased fuel efficiency, and overheating. Getting fresh oil from the dealership on a regular basis is a low-cost way to protect your Lincoln and keep it purring like a luxury vehicle should.

By staying on top of this simple maintenance task, you can avoid larger, more expensive repairs down the line and ensure your Lincoln remains reliable for years to come. Keep an eye on the signs your car needs oil and get it the attention it needs right away. Schedule service at Asheville Lincoln to change your oil today!

Image via Pixabay