Jul 7, 2023
A car's gear shift

The thought of a transmission repair is scary for many drivers. Transmission problems are generally seen as expensive and time-consuming. This perception isn’t strictly true. Most transmission issues can usually be fixed inexpensively and easily, provided you visit your Lincoln dealer ASAP. Our experts can fix any problem and have your transmission as good as new in no time. These are some signs you need to visit us for a repair.

Burning Rubber Smell

A foul, burning rubber smell from your car could mean a damaged alternator belt, but it can also be a sign of transmission trouble. Transmission fluid circulated through your transmission to cool the hot components and protect them from friction damage. This fluid also has the vital task of providing hydraulic power for the gears to shift. The fluid can easily operate in the hot conditions of the transmission as it is heat-resistant.

Transmission fluid needs to be changed approximately every 30,000 miles. Older transmission fluid becomes thicker, which slows it down and prevents it from working as effectively as it should. Older fluid also loses its heat-resistant properties and can burn. Burning transmission fluid smells like burning rubber. If the fluid is burning, we can flush the transmission and refill it with clean fluid to fix the problem.

Strange Noises

Your Lincoln transmission is completely silent as it works. If you start to hear strange noises when your transmission shifts, you have a transmission problem. Depending on the cause of the problem, you might hear the noises continually or only at certain speeds or gears. If the noises only occur in the third gear, for example, this would usually point to damage to these gears.

The torque converter connects the engine to the transmission and is responsible for transferring energy from the engine to the transmission. A damaged torque converter will produce harsh grinding noises. It’s also very possible the noises could be caused by a lack of transmission fluid. We examine your transmission and fix the problem.

Fluid Leak

As we’ve seen, transmission fluid is essential for your transmission. The fluid is pumped through the transmission at high speed, and this means that a tiny crack or hole in the transmission can lead to a rapid loss of fluid. The most common source of fluid leaks is a worn or damaged transmission pan gasket. This gasket fits into the transmission pan underneath the transmission and allows the fluid to be drained when necessary.

Transmission fluid is bright red when it’s new and slowly turns a darker red. If you spot a leak, we advise calling us ASAP so we can find and seal the leak to prevent any transmission damage.

If you have a transmission problem, call our service department right away at Asheville Lincoln.

Image via Pixabay